There's a new HP book coming out soon. Harry is a teenager, and is experiencing a lot of teenager experiences, like puberty and angst. I think JK Rowling may find this little list of potential titles helpful.
Harry Potter and the Vexing Voice
Harry Potter and the Dream of Doom
Harry Potter and the Morning Surprise
Harry Potter and Magic Magazine
Harry Potter and the Sticky Kleenex
Harry Potter and the New Trousers
If anyone needs a respite from snairy shitwad and the crock of pooh HBM is a HP free zone except when pointing out its faults - which are legion - and the fact that it just isn't very good.
Do you not appreciate the fact that I am totally taking the piss out Hairy Potty here?
Perhaps HP and Star Wars could be combined into a magical "Harry Potter and the Hand Solo" extravaganza?
That's so funny I just might forgive you for dumping the ever-sacred Star Wars into the pile of pupus that is HP.
Yeah. I got that you were taking the piss. I'm English. I know what irony means. (It means that something has iron in it) I'm just saying that in the media blitz surrounding the latest pile of excreta in the HP series, HBM will be a shit free zone.
I hate to disallusion you, dahling, but it's far too late to make HBM a shit-free zone (unless of course you mean that you don't charge people for your shit).
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