Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I really hate money

Seriously, i do. Can't stand the stuff. just a necessary evil. I really wish i could live in a society that didn't use it. I would love to go through the rest of my life without ever having to think about it. In the unlikely event that i get married (or better yet, find a mate who shares my views on the non-necessity of marraige and is content to live, love, and share our lives together without the archaic legal binds), i should hope that i end up with someone who is very good at and happy to deal with all the househole finances. i can manage money quite well, i am capable of it, i just really hate doing it. i resent it. i resent the time it takes out of my otherwise superb life and the stress it puts in its place. as a result, i really hate money.

of course, that's because i don't have any.

i'm fairly certain that if i had loads of the stuff that i would quite like it.


ZB said...

Well, it ain't gonna be me then. I'm a marriage is good person.

If it is to the right person of course.

Moominmama said...

hmm. that's the second time you've gone out of your way to mention that we would not be suitable mates. since, to the best of my knowledge, no one has ever suggested anything to the contrary, it almost seems that you are trying to convince yourself of this view. ;-p How are you at managing money?

and i don't think marragie is bad. i would even be perfectly open to the idea if it were of tremendous importance to the love of my life. it just strikes me as unnecessary. (good excuse for a rip-shit party, tho.)

ZB said...

I thought we were pretty good mates...