Thursday, February 02, 2006

a brief aside

in a fit of procrastination i updated my sidebar this morning. quite a few new links to peruse if you get bored at work.

back to my paper now...


Anonymous said...

Because I enjoy procrastination too! Here's a possible addition to your sites to visit : The International Wenches Guild :

I'm amused- I'm thinking, a frilly blouse, a decent skirt, possibly add the knight and shining armour and I could do the wench bit :)

Anonymous said...

ok, ok.... am still procrastinating, but couldn't resist this one : tell me who could resist a website entitled:

heeee.... yea- ok, gonna go work now.... maybe...

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm not working....sue me.... I'm avoiding laundry, which requires me to shore up on courage for at least an hour before making my way to the Pit of Despair....

Anyhoo, have found a new slang useage for your name which I thought would amuse you :) Go Surrealist Slang Creator!

v. to purchase things, with no purpose or reason.
"Jackie, wanna Stephanie?"

Moominmama said...

1) suit of armor: ultimate turn-on.

2) cuteoverload: fucking GENIUS. i need a hamster. I need a hamster RIGHT NOW.

3) what? why would you associate my name with frivolous spending? i'm so tight you couln't pull a dime out of my ass with a tractor! use my name as slang verb for being cheap, or some unspeakable sexual kink, but not for reckless fiscal practices! god, anything but that! The HORROR!

Anonymous said...

Alas, all my aliases failed to produce decent slang- For example, here's one of the many horrifying versions of me :
v. to make fun of someone or something.
"I'm telling you, Jackie totally wanted to Ezri!"

I never ever do this unless it's (a) Evil and/or fatally stupid politicians (b) really really bad acting (ie, read NOT funny) or (c) aggregious violations against natural selection

So, am guessing none of these is a fair representative of personality, though I may try this tactic of supplying names to slang- no one outside of the liguistic inner circle could be certain what was being said....hehehehe

Though on your first points: totally yes to cute pets! If you get a cunningly named hampster, I fully expect to be a godparent and set him or her on the path to righteousness, or failing that, righteous cuteness ;)

And of course, Prince Charming shows up in the suit of armour, I'm definitely up for the ultimate field trip of getting swept off on his white charger - we should do a poll: I bet there are a majority of women out there who would agree to a similar field trip type plan.... :)

PSS) Please, oh great linguist, share your remarkable new Stephanie slang with us other mere mortals :) - this could be a regular part of your site- new fun word of the day- I'm gunning for kinky Middle English words to reenter the common tongue ;)

Anyhoo, swift work oh great one! May your pen be filled with outrageous zeal and inconceivable ability!

Love, Ezri, Vampire Study Nut

Moominmama said...

re hamster: cunning name has been selected (of course it will be cunning, as i am a very cunning linguist*), and as soon as room inspections are completed i will purchase the little blighter and bring him home to dwell.

re suggestion: goofy ME word du jour to be resurrected at my whim. i like it. coming soon.

*i wish to god they hadn't already used that joke in a bond flick