Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

(Image shamelessly stolen from CuteOverlord.)


Lorna said...

Happy turkey day to you too! That turkey makes a pretty good table lamp ;)

Geosomin said...
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Geosomin said...

The turkey bird is the smartest bird...

Da Nator said...

That's vegetable-protein "Turk'Y" day, in our house.

Are you planning on celebrating this American holiday across the pond? Either way, have a happy!

llewtrah said...

I met up with some rare breed turkeys at a local animal park. They made such lovely soothing little noises to themselves and each other as they trotted around that it put me right off eating them.

Rimshot said...

...and to you (CB et al)

Mine was delicious!

Romeo Morningwood said...

I had Hannibal over for supper and we had some lovely Turkey Farmer Sausage.

Just kidding..Thanksgiving was a month ago in Canada.

FirstNations said...

had chinese. potstickers, black bean shrimp, chow mein, rice. no turkeys were killed in the making of our feast!

Romeo Morningwood said...

..and how could we ever forget Jennifer Lopez (Gigli) in that unforgetable seduction scene..

"Gobble, Gobble!"

Tabby Rabbit said...

Did you bake any pies? After saying I never would I am now secretly planning to add 'learn to bake pies' to my 2008 New Year Resolution list

Moominmama said...

lorna: i know! i want a turkey lamp!

Geo: *snort*

'Nator: no celemabrating here; it was just another working day. but one day when i have my own house and a little more control over my life, i will indeed keep the celebration of Thanksgiving every year.

llewtrah: honesty in food preparation!

Rimmer: ta!

Homo: I've got a great Canuk thanksgiving day story. One of these days i'll tell you it.

FN: no turkeys killed, but loads of shrimp, which are even more intelligent. you devil-woman!

Homo2: i have no idea what you're talking about. I've heard of Jennifer Lopez, but I've never seen her.

TR: no, but only because I had no one to eat them! If you come over I will show you how to bake pies. I am excellent at baking pies. (click on the "photos" label on the side bar and scroll down. somewhere in there are photos of my apple and pumpkin pies.)

Tabby Rabbit said...

I couldn't find the photos but on browsing I did stumble across the boozeberry muffins. Genius!!