Friday, January 21, 2005

Hunker down

Thar's a blizzard a'comin'. I've stocked up on toilet paper, chili, chocolate, and porn. I can survive for weeks. The one thing this blizzard needs is a warm sweetie between the sheets. Nine months from now there will be a baby boom, and i'm going to miss all the fun (not that i want a baby, mind, i just want to be able to look back at this storn nine months from now and smile at someone and say "ah, yes. that was a good blizzard").

And for fucks sake, somebody say something, even if it's just ridicule. I havn't gotten a commet in, like, a dozen posts, and i'm starting to feel like I'm banging a tennis ball against a wall. It's a lot of fun, but it ain't tennis if no one's banging back.


Roonie said...

Well, hello. I'm from the Midwest, so lucky you, I felt inclined to blog. I hear your blizzard sentiments completely. I always feel like a good shag when it's blustery outside. One day, I just want to be snowed in for a week straight. Just to see what blizzards are really like. Then, it can be 72 degrees forever, fine with me.

Moominmama said...

Hi, Fwannie. Welcome to Mental Excrement, my website of diaretic (as opposed to diarrhetic) crap. Thanks for your contribution; I hope you'll visit often.

Re the snowstorm: If you lived with my fiends in southern Massachusetts, you might have gotten your wish. They got over 3 feet out there! For lack of shagging, at least get out and enjoy the skiing.

ZB said...

Banging eh? American woman, stay away from me...etc etc blues riff in C. Yeah Aerosmith are ok but their seventies stuff is way cooler. Detoxing may have helped them live longer but it turned them into power balladeers and frankly, we already have journey for that...

Moominmama said...

Fuck you, man; i like Journey. Sue me.