Saturday, February 18, 2006


I am officially no longer a conference virgin: this afternoon i popped my academic cherry at the Bristol CMS conference on invention and discovery in the middle ages. I spoke on the use of intensifiers in Chaucer and Gower, and a few other dead dudes. I think it went well. *bows*


FirstNations said...

congrats congrats congrats!
cool subject. tough crowd. you have my fantasy education, mami. *sigh*

Spinsterella said...


So you really ARE Chaucer's bitch!

Moominmama said...

Yes, yes i am. I _am_ being spanked by Geoff from 600 years in the past. The moniker is not without justification.

Anonymous said...

Dude, rock on gf! That's wicked- now you're all posh and academic now...pretty soon I'll be able to talk about my pal, Steph, the Professor...whoo hooo! so, I must know, did you employ the age old, thinking of the audience in pink boxers routine, or were you just super chill to begin with? :)

In any case super super congrats!!

Also, on a totally unrelated note, thought this t-shirt would amuse you : *giggle* - I think I may need one myself..... there's also an attractive bullet ridden number that says, "I went hunting with Dick Cheney and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"! whoo hoo!

Moominmama said...

Oh that is faboo! I so _need_ one.

Anonymous said...

Ok, adding to my "now for something completely different" comment before, behold an entire site with 60 pages of t-shirts mostly mocking the vice president, in what will surely be one of the best jokes of this term :-p The one I think I need to get : "How can we get Bush to go Hunting with Cheney?"

But for your own amusement, check out the lot : (PS, I may be on one of the middle pages, so click back or forward to see the rest!)


ZB said...

Congrats peeps.