Wednesday, October 20, 2004

cat mystery solved. maybe.

when i got home from europe on the 4th of october, i came home to a slightly dishevelled, slightly skinny, lonely, grouchy, but basically OK (16 year-old) cat. that changed on saturday night when she ceased to be voluntarily mobile and became a frightened, twitchy, spasmodic, seizure-ridden cat. three days, two vet-visits and $250 dollars later (thanks, mom) there is hope that soon she will become a slightly dishevelled, slightly less skinny, mobile, grouchy cat.

The marvelous Dr. Gorzcyka could find no evidence upon examination of neuro-muscular problems, hip displaysia, blood clots, or any other problem that would cause her to spasm and twitch and walk funny. They kept her overnight to run a battery of blood tests and take x-rays, and discovered that she's 1, massively hyper-thyroid, 2, has a seriously inflamed liver, and 3, has calcified bone spurs on most of her lower vertebrae, the presumed source of the pain which is causing her mobility problems.

my father's reaction? "$250 dollars for a 16 year-old cat?!?!? why didn't you just put her to sleep?!?!" never mind the hundreds and hundreds of dollars that have been spent on the dog's health since she was diagnosed with cushing's disease at the tender age of 11. he never complains about that. mumph. so, now that the cat's on a barrage of medication to rival the dog's, we'll wait and see how well she responds, if at all. but even the marvelous dr. gorczyka, for all his veterinary genius, can't prevent the inevitable. they've pretty much assured me that the next time i come home, there won't even be a dishevelled, skinny, cat to greet me.

1 comment:

Sal said...

bone spurs!? hyperthyroid!? painful joint mobility due to age- and inactivity-related calcification!?

Your cat needs to do THIS!!