
These are "orchid," by a company called Platino. If anyone can find them in white,* please tell me.

*or off-white, cream, ivory, bone, eggshell, or magnolia. I'm not picky.
UPDATE: i just spoke with the store. these shoes are made especially for Wynsors by Platino. They are not available anywhere else, and they are not made in white. Aaarrgh! It's not fair!
UPDATED UPDATE: I just bought these. Mom will hate them. I don't care. job done.
Paint them white.
Get married in black.
Horrify your mother.
Wear trainers.
Scurra (Representing the who gives a shit party).
Seriously..noone sees them anyways. I suffered with white shoes I hated and a friend just wore white flip flops.
Yours look like th emost sensible wedding shoes I"ve seen in years...
wear tennis shoes, at least be comfortable.
Dave: if only you could say the service, everything would be perfect!
Vicus: I am the PRESIDENT of the Who-Gives-A-Shit Party!
Geo: thank you thank you thank you. (now convince my mom!)
'Nerd: did you clicky on the linky? Those are tennis shoes! *does happy dance*
Runaway Bride!
White shoes???? WHITE SHOES???? Why oh why do you need white shoes?
Oh yeah, you're getting married. Carry on.
Homer: i'm mildly surprised you didn't advocate the wearing of white crocs.
Billy: oy! where'd your blog go???
There's a set missing from your Venn diagram: "shoes I can afford".
Nice final choice. Best pair of wedding shoes I've clapped eyes on for a long time. That said, I don't actually recall ever having seen many.
I was going to suggest that you check out a ballet supply store and just buy a pair of white kidskin (or satin) ballet shoes. You could always glue diamante to them if you wanted sparkles (I am firmly of the opinion that all shoes should to be sparkly)
However, I really like the shoes you did choose; they're a nice shape with interesting details and the pattern makes them very feminine. So I approve!
I do apologize as I did not click on the linky link. It has been one of those weeks. Looks nice, but I was actually thinking a pair of Addidas or Nike's but Sketcher are good too.
theres still time to return them and get what you REALLY WANT, which is,
...well, they're what I really want, anyway.
Everywhere I go FN is posting a picture of those Dorothy shoes!
Those shoes look good for running in - are you planning on running?
Nice shoes. Something you can actually wear all day without killing your feet. (My first choice would have been to paint the black ones white too.)
I won't even pretend to understand the female/footwear continuum.
Shoes? You put them on your feet...men don't EVER notice a woman's shoes so it is obviously some sort of inter-female competition thingamabob.
Won't the Dress completely cover them? All I know is that the Best Man has to write Save Me on the bottom of the Groom's shoes, so that everyone can chuckle when he kneels during the ceremony.
I'd fight FN for those ruby slippers but I have a feeling that she'd probably win.
If only Cantor had been aware of your footwear theory, we wouldn't be living in a infinity of infinite universes.
According to wedding shop assistants, you need a heel to help with your posture, but then at least your feet won't hurt. Just remember, chest out, stomach in. But you'll know that from rowing.
Please tell me the dress is floor length.
Llewtra: nope, "shoes i can afford" are automatically included in "shoes I like." If i can't afford them, I don't like them. simple as.
TB: my point exactly. no one's going to notice them!
Hendrix: the problem with plain ballet slippers is the lack of arch support. My back can't cope with that.
C/Nerd: glad you approve.
FN: Ack! *whinge* I don't DO sparkly. ever.
Farty: yeah, but that's effort, and right now anything that smells like effort is just not happening.
HomoE: that's fucking brilliant! I need to phone the best man...
Hendrix: i'd buy tickets to watch that fight. *gets popcorn*
Simon: obviously!
jp: shop assistants are evil cows out to take as much of your money as possible. and yes, my posture is fine.
Michael: duh. tres medieval.
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